21 Truly Devastating First World Problems

    Napkins: today, they're toilet paper.

    1. When you forget to check your pockets for paper before you throw your clothes in the washer:


    2. When you run out of toilet paper in the morning and forget to buy toilet paper before you get home.

    "Kris would you believe I went to the store today to buy toilet paper and I totally forgot"

    3. When you’re watching something on DVR and you realize you didn't fast forward through the commercials:

    4. When you go to a drive-thru car wash and forget to roll up the windows.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA didn't close her window at the car wash

    5. Or when you roll down the windows seconds after getting out of the car wash:

    This is why we don't roll down the windows right after a car wash @shanebrandon2

    6. When you make your lunch the night before work, get to work, and realize you forgot it.

    7. When you don't squirt out that nasty mustard water before you squeeze a bottle of mustard:

    8. When you tell yourself to not lose the little bread bag holder thingy. You do it anyway.

    9. When your alarm wakes you up early on a weekend because you forgot to shut it off:

    10. When you write a text, check it six hours later and realize you forgot to press send.

    @Sittin_pretty30 I thought I text you back but look I forgot to hit send smh

    11. When you talk on the phone for 10 minutes before realizing the other person dropped the call long before:

    12. When you forget to take reusable bag to the store:

    13. When you cut a bunch of coupons, get to the store and realize you've left them at home.

    14. When you’re in bed and forget to turn off the lights but you’re too comfortable to get back up:

    15. When you get up to pour yourself water from the Brita and no one has refilled it:

    Whenever I go to get water I always see this..... Refill the Brita.

    16. When you forget to grab a bag for dog poop when you walk your dog.

    17. When the sound is turned up on your laptop and you blast music to everyone nearby:

    18. When you don't wash the dishes right away after making pasta and it gets stuck to the pot for life.

    19. When you forget to make sure the toilet seat is down before sitting:

    Tommy didn't put the toilet seat down for the first time....ever.....had me feeling like

    20. When you fall asleep on top of your phone and render your alarm useless.

    21. When you tell yourself not to buy anything "unnecessary" at Target and you do anyway.