15 Reasons Cerati Was Latin America’s Most Beloved Rock Star

    Goodbye, maestro.

    Earlier this month, Argentine rocker Gustavo Cerati died after spending four years in a coma brought on by a stroke. He was 55.

    1. He made Argentina dance again.

    2. He drew from influences both home and abroad.

    3. He made it cool to listen to Spanish-language rock.

    Before Soda Stereo, most Latin Americans preferred their rock music en Inglés. After Soda Stereo blew up, South America, Mexico and Central America all wanted a taste of rock en Español.''

    In the United States, artists like Cerati, Aterciopelados, Café Tacuba, Caifanes and Los Fabulosos Cadillacs gave the children of immigrants a Spanish-language music scene they could call their own.

    4. Because you'll never forget Soda Stereo moments like this...

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    5. ...and this:

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    6. Because "De Musica Ligera" was the first song you learned on guitar.

    7. And your love for them was so strong that you didn't mind when someone called them "Soda Estereo."

    8. Then Cerati went solo and changed your life with this...

    9. ... which made you ask yourself why you overlooked this:

    10. So you snapped these up the day they came out.

    11. He made you wonder how someone could pack so much cool into their body:

    12. You said, "Awww" when you saw this:

    13. And sighed deeply because his voice felt like a massage for your brain.

    14. Because this performance showed why he was loved for more than three decades.

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    15. He taught you that "Poder decir adiós es crecer."

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    So when you heard he was gone...

    ...all that was left to say was: