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    Feelings You Have When You Enter Barnes And Noble

    *as seen through Sue Loves Surprises*

    1. You walk in and are overwhelmed by the number of books.

    2. Then you start looking for your next read and obviously can't contain yourself.

    3. You pick up a book and think, "How did this person get published?!"

    4. You move to the next shelf and think, "Today I will find the book I've been waiting my whole life to read."

    5. And then, almost by magic, you find it. You can't believe it.

    6. Actually, you really can't fathom it.

    7. Then you buy that book and go home as fast as you can.

    8. Don't worry though, you'll be back soon! You'll finish it in a day because it is SO good and start the process all over again.