

From all of us at OilyShirts.com, our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the 11 men lost on the Deepwater Horizon and all those affected by this disaster. This shirt is intended to send a message and to help. The message is not just to BP, but any and all corporations that conduct business on this planet (and it is not happy) in a negligent or wreckless manner, well sometimes the "small" people can have a very loud voice! The help comes from a portion of each shirt sold will be donated to help in Gulf recovery efforts. Thank you to all those helping in wildlife and shoreline clean up! If you buy our shirt THANK YOU! If you don't buy our shirt we still thank you for your concern in helping those who cannot help themselves. Please donate what you can to help the Gulf. This shirt was created with pride, please wear it with pride! Thank you for your support. I'm Mark Lee and I approve this message.

Jul 2010
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