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    21 Things About Marlees For Her 21st

    21 is a big fricken deal so here are 21 things about Marlees and Me

    1. You have been my most consistant friend! You know it and it's impressive!

    2. I was the first one in 7th grade to be able to pronounce your name correctly, thats when I knew we would be friends

    3. You are my number one non-identical twin

    4. Hands down the best hair dresser this fine world has ever seen!

    5. You get hangry I get hangry.. combined its a scary thing

    6. You prevent me from making terrible fashion mistakes ..

    7. One time I had to read a summer book and I did not and it was 2 days before school started and you read me the entire book! Outloud. Non-stop. That was incredible !

    8. You stop me from doing crazy things

    9. Even though it was against your morals you agreeed to sneak out with me... And then eventually it became your idea!

    10. We are our parents adopted children

    11. I can call you at the wee hours of the night

    12. We call each other just to talk when we are walking places

    13. We wrote a song titled "Candy Store"

    14. Every New Years we have spent together has been a crazy adventure

    15. I invited you to Cape Cod every summer and you always denied.. then one time you said yes

    16. I was your first lady kiss

    17. One time we crashed Sarah Rosenburgs Birthday Party

    18. At the Quebec - Vermont boarder you declared 3 Marzipan Animals

    19. There is no one else I would have rather watched every episode of every season of the OC with, and cry with when Marissa died.. RIP

    20. In eighth grade I cut my hair really short and though later I found out all the boys called it the Man Cut you still insisted I looked like Cameron Diaz

    21. We graduated both 8th grade and High School together

    I love you!