The 31 Most Badass Weapons At Anime Expo


    1. The GIANT SNIPER rifle.

    2. Armin from Attack on Titan being a boss with two swords.

    3. Behold, Lagiacrus armor (aka "epic monster throw down gear")

    4. Strength from Black Rock Shooter can give a firm handshake.

    5. Do not judge a book by its cover. We all know how deadly Nui Harime's half-scissor can be.

    6. Raiden from Metal Gear is like, "Yo. You want something?"

    7. It's one thing seeing Black Knight in a Game Boy. It's quite another thing to see this dude IRL, towering over you while holding onto a ridiculously giant sword.

    8. Seriously. These swords are almost the same size as the people holding them. THEY ARE AWESOME.

    9. No. KOS-MOS is not holding a gun. It's called an FG-SHOT.

    10. Franky's BF-37s can fire missiles AND serve as a nifty toolbox. Take that, Inspector Gadget.

    11. If InuYasha's half-demon heritage doesn't get you shaking, that long ass sword will do the trick.

    12. Rapunzel's weapon is a pan. Maybe not the most impressive weapon, but definitely effective.

    13. All is good. Just don't stare into their eyes.

    14. How cute! The Villager from Animal Crossing has an axe. I don't like the way he's looking at me.

    15. Ryuko Matoi yielding a half-scissor while wearing her Kamui Senketsu is a completely different type of dangerous.

    16. GIANT AXE, YO.

    17. This is Dead Master holding Dead Scythe. ::runs away::

    18. Cloud from Final Fantasy always carrying that giant sword like it's no biggie.

    19. #MihawkIsABadass


    21. Zabuza with his Kubikiribōchō, aka THE BIG FREAKIN' SWORD!

    22. Soraka from League of Legends is ready for a Starcall throwdown.

    23. Real talk: I want this sword and I WANT IT NOW.

    24. Even medics look like they're about to kill someone.

    25. Anybody down for some tennis?

    26. Or would anyone want to go up against Gray Fox from Metal Gear? Anyone?

    27. RWBY with a scythe that's ready to leave a mark on your face.

    28. Harpoons and chainsaws. OH MY!

    29. Yes, bow and arrows existed before Katniss.

    30. This, right here, is pure unadulterated badassery.

    31. And finally, we have a tank someone left behind...

    Oh, wait no. Deadpool is trolling us again.