18 Secrets People Who Are In A Doomed Relationship Won't Tell You

    You had a good run. But it's probably best to drop it.

    1. When you go out to dinner, you spend your time staring at other things, rather than staring into their eyes.

    2. When your S.O. talks to you, you can hear them, but you don't listen to them.

    3. When you're with your S.O., you go to the bathroom more frequently because you cherish your alone time.

    4. You hear "No" come out of your S.O.'s mouth more than "Yes."

    5. When people ask you how your S.O. is doing and all you can say is, "eh."

    6. You think about pizza more than sex.

    7. When your S.O. calls, you frequently say to yourself, "I'll call them back later."

    8. Kissing them is like kissing a piece of dry salami.

    9. You dread your S.O.'s birthdays and Valentine's Day because you're thinking more about money than the lovely time you'll spend together.

    10. When you're long distance, you find yourself running out of things to talk about.

    11. Your eyes will slowly drift away to look at other fish in the sea.

    12. You find yourself complaining about your relationship WAY. TOO. MUCH.

    13. You stop shaving.

    14. When your S.O. starts crying, you don't care anymore because it happens all the time.

    15. You talk more about the past than you do about the present or the future.

    16. You go on new adventures to spice up your relationship, only to realize that no matter where you go, you're still in a failing relationship.

    17. You find yourself relating way too hard to Blue Valentine.

    18. When your friends ask, "Do you see yourself marrying them?," there is an extremely long pause.

    When you're in a failing relationship, it's like drinking milk that's way passed its expiration date.

    When the relationship needs to end, END IT. It's better for everyone in the long run, even if it hurts.