24 Truly Heartbreaking Moments From Your Mexican Childhood

    Seriously, though... those last ten minutes of Selena... ::sniff::

    1. After a long day at school, you came home super hungry and your mom was like, "Hice nopales!"

    2. Whenever you were next in line at the supermarket and your mom was like, "I forgot the milk. Wait here." And you were like...

    3. Watching the last ten minutes of Selena.

    4. When your mazapan would not unwrap in one piece.

    That moment when the mazapan breaks :'(

    5. When you lost the little white plastic spoon thingy for your Duvalin.

    “@ShiWantsTheC: Forgetting or losing your Duvalin spoon is the saddest thing ever. #HispanicProblemsNight ” OMG YES

    6. Right before you were about to eat on Christmas Eve, you had that one aunt who was like, "Vamos a hacer el rosario primero."

    7. When someone in your family ate the torta you were saving for later.


    8. When your parents made you sit down and watch this movie that had the most depressing scene in cinema history.

    9. When you did something REALLY bad and your dad was like, "traéme el cinturón."

    10. When your mom refused to use Tupperware for her homemade salsa:

    11. When your parents would go to Mexico and all they brought back were these:

    Mom: "You don't like it? Fine! DON'T EAT IT! iDESGRACIADO!"

    12. The moment your cousin would ask you to be a chambelan or dama in her quinceañera.

    13. When you wouldn't sit still in the car, this happened:


    14. Whenever your mom called you out in public, especially in front of the family.

    15. When Oscar De La Hoya left Julio Cesar Chavez a bloody mess.

    After years of seeing Chavez on top, it was kinda sad to see the Mexican icon lose in such a gruesome way.

    16. Whenever your mom busted out the cuchara even though she wasn't cooking anything.

    17. When someone in your family ate ONLY the top part of a conchita and left the stump for everyone else.

    The horror.

    18. When it was lunchtime and your mom would make these:

    19. Carrusel. THE WHOLE DAMN SHOW.

    This telenovela was crazy depressing and tragic for a kids show.

    20. When the paletero wouldn't stop for you even though you screamed and whistled.

    21. When you thought your dad was playing when he said, "If you're not in the car in five minutes, I'm leaving!"

    22. When the cholos arrived to a nice and perfectly calm kid's birthday party.

    23. Every single time Mexico got eliminated from the World Cup.

    24. And finally, whenever the sonidero played this song around 1 a.m.:

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    Somebody would start crying. And that only made you cry.