An Artist Painted Lin-Manuel Miranda's "Hamilton" Over A Ten-Dollar Bill

    "Being a Latina from Bushwick, it was captivating seeing my people killing the game on Broadway."

    So, we've all heard about Hamilton, right?

    In honor of Miranda's breathtaking portrayal of Alexander Hamilton, artist and photographer Danielle DeJesus painted Lin-Manuel Miranda's version of the historical figure on an actual ten-dollar bill.

    "The piece was painted using water color and acrylic and took a total of eight hours to paint," DeJesus tells BuzzFeed.

    "I've never been much into American History, but I have to say that seeing so many beautiful people of color playing the characters in Hamilton blew my mind and opened my ears," DeJesus writes on her Instagram.

    "Being a Latina from Bushwick, it was captivating seeing my people killing the game on Broadway."

    You can check out more of Danielle DeJesus' artwork on her Instagram and on her website.