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    19 Tumblr Posts That Are Too Real For Anime Fans

    "...and then Romeo-kun and Juliet-chan inevitably committed the seppuku."

    1. When they found out what anime tears are made of:

    2. When someone found a Blue's Clues anime:

    3. When they totally nailed how lifelike anime could get:

    4. When they made Shakespeare into an anime love story:

    5. When their pun game was on point:

    6. When they came up with a brilliant idea for a character:

    7. When they totally captured what it's like to be owed money:

    8. When they revealed the truth behind weeaboos:

    9. When they totally got what it's like to be a college freshman:

    10. When they asked very good questions regarding noses:

    11. When they had this in-depth conversation about Ash Ketchum:

    12. When they tried searching for Attack on Titan in Japanese but Google tried correcting them:

    13. When they made Jesus speak Japanese:

    14. When they found stuff to look at when they're sad:

    15. When they actually got a photo of Shenron IRL:

    16. When they nailed what Tokyo Ghoul was really about:

    17. When they react to their crushes appearing on-screen:

    18. When they discovered that Britney Spears invented anime in 2007:

    19. And finally, when they made caught Eren Yeager's name spelled incorrectly: