18 Things Only Haters Will Understand

    If you tell me one more time to see the glass half-full, I WILL BREAK YOUR GLASS.

    1. When your friends have a love parade over the latest show on Netflix.

    2. When the latest Top 40 songs keep playing over and over again EVERYWHERE YOU GO.

    3. When people tell you that you should work on your attitude and stop being so pessimistic.

    4. When teenagers talk super loud on public transportation.

    5. When people tell you, "Oh. You're such a downer."

    6. When people ask you, "You're such a hater. Is there anything you DON'T HATE?!"

    7. When people automatically assume you don't have friends because of your haterade.

    8. When people think they can make you mad by turning around the haterade on you and hating everything you love.

    9. When people tell you, "you're such a negative Nancy."

    10. When a barrage of motivational quotes from InstaText pop up all over your newsfeed.

    11. When people get in your face and call you an asshole just because you're a hater.

    12. You despise people who wear sunglasses indoors.

    13. You hate that dude who breaks out a guitar in the middle of a party and starts playing a John Meyer song.

    14. When people say that you should learn to appreciate and respect what other people like.

    15. When people tell you to lighten up and have some fun.

    16. When people go "OMG! BEYONCE!"

    17. Haters who REFUSE to accept they're haters.

    18. That the best way to be a hater is to be a PROUD HATER.