19 Sibling Moments That Are Too Real For Latinos


    1. Whenever your mom would go off on your sibling over something you did.

    2. When it was your birthday and they would promise to stop everyone from pushing your face into the cake...

    3. ...only so they could push your face into the cake themselves.

    4. How you and your sibling would feel when your mom said, "We're going to McDonald's."

    5. When your mom called to say she was arriving home from work in five minutes but you and your sibling hadn't done the house chores:

    6. When your mom would tell your sibling to bring the belt so she can teach you a lesson...and they actually bring it:

    7. When SOMEBODY ate your leftovers:


    8. When your mom bought your sibling something from the corner store and she didn't get you anything.

    9. Whenever your sister would insult you and you didn't have a good comeback:

    10. When your sibling smacks the shit out of you and they're like, "¡NI TE TOQUE!":

    11. When you walk in on a sibling in your room touching all your shit:

    12. When your sibling would accidentally hit you and you went over the top:

    13. But you always had the energy to fight back.

    14. When your sister calls you a "puta" and thinks she can get away with it.

    15. When you see your sibling getting cussed out by your mom.

    16. Whenever your sibling got better grades than you and your mom would look at you and be like, "¡APRENDE!"

    17. When your mom would give you permission to go somewhere on the condition you take your little brother.

    18. When you and your sibling are pissed at each other but have to share the same room:

    19. But at the end of the day, no matter how bad things get, you always got each other's back because you're family.

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