19 Things That Won't Make Sense If You Didn't Grow Up With A Mexican Mom

    I love you, ama...please put la chancla down.

    1. When you're talking to your uncle at a party and your mom's like, "¿Ya saludaste?"

    2. When your mom talks to your tía in Mexico and then she hands the phone to you.

    3. When your mom is paying at the supermarket and she's like, "¡SE ME OLVIDO LA LECHE!" and she makes you run to go get it.

    4. When your mom makes you flip tortillas with your bare hands.

    5. When your mom starts talking shit about you in front of your tías but you're trying to play it cool.

    6. When your mom would hit you with la chancla and you'd try and be cool about it.

    7. When you tell your mom you got yourself a boo and you're in love.

    8. When she serves you a bowl of frijoles and you're like, "Why can't we eat at McDonald's?"

    9. When you tell your mom you're bored.

    10. When you tell your mom that you lost her Tupperware.

    11. When your mom's super pissed and she's like, "DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, PENDEJO!"

    12. When your mom comes home from working all day and you haven't done any house chores.

    13. When your mom wakes you up at 6:00 a.m. on a Sunday and says, "WE'RE GOING TO MISA!"

    14. When you say hello to your cousin and your mom's like, "KISS HER ON THE CHEEK! SHE'S YOUR COUSIN!"

    15. When you steal a Gansito and your mom catches you.

    16. When you tell your mom you got yourself a tattoo.

    17. When you're playing in a kids soccer league but you totally suck, and then you look at the sidelines and your mom is staring at you like...

    18. When your mom finds a condom and she's like, "¡POR EL AMOR DE DIOS! ¿QUÉ ES ESTO? ¡NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

    19. But at the end of the day, no matter how much you may bicker about the little things in life, your mom will always have your back no matter what.

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