22 Things You Should Tell Your Best Friend Right Now

    What would I do without you?

    1. Thank you for making me text you when I get home, even if you dropped me all the way to the gate.

    2. And for dropping everything to talk to me when I’m travelling alone after 10 p.m.

    3. You're so mind-blowingly smart when it comes to solving my problems that you should be a professional relationship guru.

    4. You never judge me when I order butter chicken rolls at 2 a.m.

    5. Thank you for sitting through the same crappy movies with me again and again.

    6. And for never telling anyone about the crappy, embarrassing shows I watch in private.

    7. Thanks for taking 900 selfies with me to get the perfect one for Instagram.

    8. Thank you for carefully evaluating all my outfit pictures before a night out.

    9. Thank you for talking me out of doing stupid things I would regret five minutes later.

    10. And for consoling me when I ignore your sage advice and do it anyway.

    11. You make my family functions bearable by being with me in spirit and text.

    12. And thanks for knowing and keeping all of my family's deep, dark secrets.

    13. Thank you for always being a goody two-shoes in front of my parents so they trust you 100%.

    14. Which means whenever I need a free pass to go out (or out of town), all I have to tell them is that you'll be there to take care of me.

    15. Thanks for being the goofiest, craziest person I know, and for making me do things I would never have done alone.

    16. Thanks for co-planning (daydreaming) our fairy tale futures and keeping me entertained.

    17. Thanks for standing awkwardly while my parents yell at me and keeping your wise cracks and giggles for later.

    18. You're the one person I can blindly trust with my food order.

    19. You patiently tolerate me retelling my dumb stories even if you've heard them countless times.

    20. Thanks for keeping tabs on my exes for me so I don’t get caught doing the dirty work.

    21. Thanks for blindly hating the people I hate, even though you have no logical reason to.

    22. And thanks for being the only person I can stand talking to when I'm too grumpy and grouchy to face the world.

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