18 Joys And Struggles Of Having A Ridiculously Common Indian Name

    We're looking at you Rahul, Yash and Pooja.

    1. Roll call was weird because there were at least 3 other people with the same name as you.

    2. Whenever someone complained about you, the teacher would always respond with, "Which one?"

    3. Everyone assumed that people having the same last name as you was related to you.

    4. You've thought about getting married to a person with same last name so you wouldn't have to change yours.

    5. You have ventured to the dark second and even third pages of Google to find yourself when you google your name.

    6. Which also means that your family can't find your social media profiles easily.

    7. Finding a Twitter or Instagram handle is a pain because all the normal ones have been taken.

    8. There will be atleast one character in every Bollywood movie with the same name as you.

    9. "Hey, I have a friend with the same name as you," is a common conversation starter.

    10. Everyone assumes that you own all the stores having the same name as yours.

    11. You have multiple people on your Facebook friend list having the same name as yours.

    12. Which means that random people tag you in pictures that you don't remember taking.

    13. And wish you on dates you don't remember being born on.

    14. People think you were named after a popular celebrity of your parents' time...and you probably were.

    15. Or spell your name in the strangest ways possible.

    16. Your middle name plays a significant role in your life.

    17. You definitely have a nick name to make you more distinguishable.

    18. But hey, you've developed a pretty cool personality to help you stand out from all your million namesakes.