19 Super Romantic Morning Texts Everyone Wants To Wake Up To

    "I had a dream about you... You died."

    1. When it comes to aphrodisiacs, oysters ain't got nothin' on burritos.

    2. Mexican food is officially the sexiest of all foods.

    3. And cheese. Lots and lots of sweet cheesy cheesus.

    4. This adorable text of someone saying "I love you" for the first time.

    5. This text that assures you that there's always someone, somewhere who cares.

    6. This morning sext that shows you something you'll never have.

    7. "A dream is a wish your heart makes."

    8. When bae gives you special nicknames.

    9. Oh you, 8tracks.

    10. This mom sending some mixed signals.

    11. When bae just gets you.

    12. These unnecessarily aggressive seasons greetings.

    13. This text to remind you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

    14. This early morning weather report.

    15. This person who should never watch "How to get away with murder."

    16. Every morning-texter should be like Josh Beekman.

    17. When Ken Doll wants to take things to the next level with Barbie.

    18. This morning-after text.

    19. When bae blows up your phone with all the cute morning texts.