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    Watch Smallville Season 10 Episode 20: Prophecy

    Clark and Lois go to see Jor-El and receive his blessing, and he gives Lois Clark's superpowers so she can see what his life is like. However, she soon discovers that she will have to use her powers to fight crime when the Toyman returns. Meanwhile, Oliver discovers that he bears the Omega Brand and seeks out a means to remove it, and encounters Kara, who is also seeking to stop Darkseid.

    • The CW's best TV series "Smallville" is now here with their latest episode entitled Prophecy. This new episode is now available for viewing tomorrow night at their homepage. So, be sure that you will not miss to watch this one of kind series online. Episode Summary: Clark and Lois go to see Jor-El and receive his blessing, and he gives Lois Clark's superpowers so she can see what his life is like. However, she soon discovers that she will have to use her powers to fight crime when the Toyman returns. Meanwhile, Oliver discovers that he bears the Omega Brand and seeks out a means to remove it, and encounters Kara, who is also seeking to stop Darkseid.

    • Video Link: CLICK HERE TO WATCH NOW!