This Kid's Demonstration Of Perfect Pitch Will Blow You Away

    This is seriously pitchin'.

    Meet Dylan Beato. He's eight years old and he has perfect pitch.

    If you've never heard of perfect pitch, here's a little lesson. Perfect pitch is when you can name a musical note without a reference note. Basically, you can pull it out of thin air.

    So Dylan's dad Rick decided to give him a really hard ear training test. Watching and hearing Dylan fly through this test will BLOW YOUR FREAKIN' MIND.

    He starts simple with single notes. Easy peasy. But then he moves to intervals and flies through that, too!

    And then come the polychords, which sound like train horns mixed with garbage. And he nails it! This kid is FREAKIN' AMAZING. GO DYLAN!

    Watch him CRUSH the full test here and prepare to feel about yourself.

    Facebook: video.php

    Keep up the awesome ear training, Dylan!