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    Things Bio or Science Majors Can Relate to

    The sleep-deprived life of a science major.

    You go to class (almost) everyday, but don't actually pay attention or learn anything

    When you have an 8 am lab or test the next day and you're trying to sleep/ study, but people just won't shut up.


    When two professors schedule big exams on the same day

    And that test is worth like 18983895% of your grade

    You think you'll change your procrastinating ways and study every day..

    But you slowly stop caring...

    And then exam day comes closer

    When you have to study, but you can't stand the sight of books anymore

    But you keep trying

    Exam day!

    There is still hope for a bigggg curve!

    You're familiar with these faces of people getting their tests back

    But there's always that one person who complains about getting a 96

    Why did I choose this major?


    That feeling when your lab is cancelled, or your test is delayed, or when THE DEPRESSING SEMESTER IS FINISHED

    But you realize it will never end...