This Woman Tested Her White Privilege And Tried To Get Arrested In Los Angeles

    "I'm selling my antidepressants!"

    In this video, comedian Jessie Kahnweiler and co-producer Samson Crouppen test the limits to see whether or not Jessie's self-proclaimed "white privilege" could prevent her from getting arrested.

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    Kahnweiler told BuzzFeed they made the video "to explore and expose my own white privilege."

    She continued, "I found myself, as a white Jewy liberal, pretending like all the horrific stuff that's happening is none of my business. But hating racism on Facebook isn't enough. It's not an excuse to sit on my ass."

    She kicked off the video by asking random people on Los Angeles streets about white privilege. She asked this guy, "As a white woman, do you think I can get away with more stuff?"

    Armed with that knowledge, Jessie tested her white privilege out first by asking this cop if he even knew what it meant, and he responded...

    Upon further clarifying with the officer, he told her that he didn't believe in it.

    Furthermore, the unnamed officer gave this advice to keep the peace between the LAPD and the citizens of Los Angeles:

    So what did Jessie do? The complete opposite! Starting with public drunkenness...

    In the video, she also “assaulted a police officer,” aka LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, and was escorted away.

    She even tried to sell her antidepressants to cops...

    The cops were like NOPE, but they didn't arrest her.

    Once all that happened and Kahnweiler got away with it all, this woman had this thought:

    And that she the recent Los Angeles Gay Pride Parade, she told Mayor Eric Garcetti, "Let me know if you wanna open up your relationship."