Here's How Weapons Have Changed Over Time

    Pow! Pow!

    From the axe to drones, here's a video that shows how weapons have progressed over time.

    The Atlantic / Via

    In 40,000 BC, the bow and arrow was the weapon of choice.

    Swords were very prominently used in 14,000 BC.

    By AD 672, Greek fire was invented and used in naval battles. The fire would shoot out a cannon and continue burning while floating on water.

    Skipping ahead to the 14th century, the halberd became a thing. It is a two-handed weapon that could do some serious, violent damage to the enemy.

    In AD 1411, this fancy thing called a matchlock was made. It was the first invention to facilitate the firing of a hand-held firearm.

    Nowadays, the weapons are more technologically based. For instance, cyber warfare — which SUCKS for your computers.

    In addition, drones are widely used today among enemies. These bad boys are unmanned and can fly into dangerous situations without risking human life