Watch The Most Epic Britney Spears-Themed Pregnancy Announcement Video

    LOL-ney Spears!

    Jerrad Green told BuzzFeed, his wife Machel and their assistant Harrison are HUGE Britney Spears fans. They wanted to go all out for the announcement of their second child. So, naturally, the couple made a Godney-themed birth announcement video.

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    In the past, they've also made alternative Taylor Swift and Michael Jackson videos.

    Green told BuzzFeed "Machel likes to say that we’re going to show our kids one day and say, 'see, you can still have fun when you’re an adult!'"

    Each song clip features a preggo-themed Spears hit. The first one is set to "Oops!...I Did It Again." Kicking it all off with the very special announcement:

    Now that the secret's out, of course, the nausea started to kick in.

    Assistant Harrison took this video ~very~ seriously and got really creative with the lyrics and arm-ography...

    Green told BuzzFeed, "They've been planning this for years! But wanted to keep it a secret to her other friends till after the three month mark."

    The medley continued with a dance break and "The Reveal"...

    IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!

    And they aren't just having any girl - she's in the "Pretty Girls" clique,

    Jerrad made a very cute cameo as Daddy G.


    Welp, now the bar is set. Wonder what they'll do for child number three.