18 Reasons Wrestler Tyler Breeze Should've Been Named "Sexiest Man Alive"


    1. Chris Hemsworth has just been named People’s Sexiest Man Alive for 2014, and a lot of people feel that some guys got cheated out of it.

    Here he is: Your #SexiestManAlive, Chris Hemsworth! http://t.co/hy3U7VGuJw

    2. In particular, current WWE/NXT superstar Tyler Breeze.

    3. "Prince Pretty"

    4. "The Gorgeous One"

    5. "King of Cuteville"

    6. "The Definition of Delish"

    7. Look at this man.

    8. Look at this specimen.

    9. What ever "Thor" can do, this guy can do better.

    10. The master of the duckface.

    11. The selfie king.

    12. He does the people's eyebrow better than The Rock himself.

    13. Ladies want him.

    14. Men want to be him.

    15. People Magazine have made the biggest mistake of their lives.

    16. Remember the name Tyler Breeze.

    17. And remember, you really dropped the ball on this one.