Stephen A. Smith Thought An Onion Article About Him Was Real

    Peeps got jokes.

    This morning, the folks at The Onion posted this joke story about ESPN First Take host, and man who loves yelling at people, Stephen A. Smith.

    The story, titled "Stephen A. Smith Thinking Son Is Finally Ready For The Sex Argument," is pretty self-explanatory and obviously fictional. Here's a highlight:

    “It’s a big milestone in every father-son relationship to sit your child down and dispute his pathetic ideas about the birds and bees,” said Smith, fondly remembering his own father belligerently talking over him when he got the sex argument as a boy.

    Well, Stephen A., who believes the story to be real and apparently hasn't heard of The Onion, just got wind of his imaginary chat with an imaginary 9-year-old. And he's pissed.

    Finally, Smith figured out the joke:

    Okay, there's a lot to digest in those five tweets, but let's skip right past Stephen A. acting like a diva and all the spelling errors, and get right down to that last tweet. "I didn't know it was on Satire!" said Smith. On satire? What does that even mean? If anything, it was "on Parenting!"

    Anyway, peeps got jokes.