A Cash-Strapped Greek Soccer Team Is Now Sponsored By A Brothel

    And the partnership gets the players some "special" benefits.

    Amateur soccer players for Voukefalas, a small club in central Greece, wear advertisements for local brothels to help keep the team afloat financially.

    An amateur Greek soccer team, in the midst of an economic crisis that nearly folded the club, now sports jerseys emblazoned with the logos of local brothels "Villa Erotica,'' and "Soula's House of History," according to the Associated Press.

    The owner of the brothels, elderly Ms. Soula Alevridou, promises the players -- all of whom have regular day jobs in addition to playing soccer -- a "special time" at her brothels if they win.

    It’s not the kind of business that needs promotion. It’s a word-of-mouth kind of thing.... If we don’t help our scientists and athletes, where will we be?

    The partnership has understandably ruffled a few feathers, despite the fact that prostitution is completely legal in Greece. League administrators are trying to ban the uniforms, stating that they are inappropriate for younger fans (because, apparently, a foot-long patch of text that reads "Villa Erotica" is just way over the line.)

    Unfortunately for the players, they haven't been able to cash in on the unusual benefits of playing for a brothel owner, losing four consecutive games. The club's highlight videos, though, are delightful.