These Kick-Ass "Star Wars" Pancakes Are Insanely Delightful

    The force is definitely strong with these flapjacks.

    The Star Wars UK YouTube page has uploaded a video of pancake expert and obvious Jedi Master Nathan Shields cooking up some Star Wars-themed pancakes.

    View this video on YouTube

    Nathan Shields / Via

    And they're pretty much out of this world.

    "Impossible to see, how delicious these pancakes are." – Yoda

    Even as a pancake, Boba Fett continues to be one badass bounty hunter.

    Here's hoping these stormtroopers find the pancakes they're looking for.

    It's official, Darth Vader is totally rocking the dark side of the pancakes.

    If you want to see anymore of Nathan Shields' brilliant creations, you can find them all here.