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19 Important Questions Americans Have About British Food

Seriously, what's the deal with Marmite?

1. Why do they eat so many beans?

2. And why do they put everything on toast?

3. Why do they call French fries "chips"?

4. And chips "crisps"?

5. Why is Marmite so popular?

6. Why does their bacon look like this?

7. What's the deal with mushy peas?

8. Who decided it was a brilliant idea to name something "spotted dick"?

9. What’s with all the suggestive names for their food anyways?

10. Why are they so obsessed with eating weird things like offal?

11. Seriously, why is blood pudding a thing?

12. Why can’t they just enjoy a hardboiled egg without deep-frying it with some sausage?

13. Do they really drink that much tea?

14. Why do they put cream on their salads instead of actual dressing?

15. Why are there so many types of puddings?

16. Do they really eat Sunday roast literally every Sunday?

17. What's wrong with just plain ol' ketchup?

18. Why do they call dinner tea?

19. And most importantly, why is their breakfast so much better than ours?