

One of the truest things I've ever read: "Affluent college-bound students face the real prospect of downward mobility. Feelings of entitlement clash with the awareness of imminent scarcity. There is a resentment at growing up at the end of an era of plenty coupled with reassessment of conventional measures of success." -Jenny Holzer Also I like: plums and nectarines and blueberries and raspberries. Rain, thunderstorms, snow when I'm inside the house, lots of blankets on my bed during winter, caffeine, ornery cats, walking around on campus when the weather is nice, days when I have no homework and I can just do whatever without feeling guitly, getting really into TV shows, "discovering" new music, writing short stories sporadically and without much conclusion, running, going to art museums and buying CDs. Things I don't like: romantic comedies (with few exceptions), most punk music, closedminded people, tripping down stairs when i'm wearing those pink flip flops I don't even like anyway (it only happens when I wear those ones), wearing more than one layer (that means you, Winter!), country music (with few exceptions), superficial people, when the sheet comes off my mattress, "The Birth of a Nation", the word "ladies" and Sister, Sister (that one tv show). that's a good summary, I think.

Mar 2011
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