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    For Winter Roof Checkups, Start In The Attic

    If you’re concerned about your roof’s life, follow this simple checklist. Also be sure to contact a professional roof contractor who uses quality materials like

    You're supposed to check your roof twice a year. You know this. But somehow you just never got around to it. Now the weather has turned sharply colder, and who relishes the idea of climbing up a ladder to check the health of your roof — even if it means saving a few dollars on your heating bill, since the roof is the key to a home's energy efficiency?

    As it turns out, while even a quick, eyeball roof check from ground level is recommended this time of year, there is another way.

    You could climb into your attic instead.

    "Roofs actually create an insulated barrier that helps trap heat inside, and most attic spaces are located right below them," explains Jason Joplin, program manager of the Center for the Advancement of Roofing Excellence. "That makes them perfect for spotting potential problem areas and damage without worrying about falling."

    Here are some tips on what to look for:

    • Water leaks. Winter storms are coming. When they do, shining a flashlight up in the attic can reveal dripping water and condensation, as well as water stains on the ceiling, walls and floor. All are signs that H2O is finding its way under your roof's shingles or behind its flashings.

    • Animal Damage. Birds, bats, squirrels and raccoons can wreak havoc on a roof. So any-thing suspicious such as nests, droppings and gnawed wood, wires or insulation merits an immediate call to a pest professional.

    • Ventilation. "Think of the attic as the lungs of the house," says Joplin. "It has to be able to breathe in order to function properly." Which means that if your vents are stuffed with debris, they need to be cleared.

    • Structure. A sagging roof (look up for this one) could signify potential structural weakness requiring professional repair.

    If the cold doesn't bother you, and you don't want to wait for spring — the recommended time for a second annual roof check-up — you can still look for structural deformities without risking life and limb on a treacherous ladder by using binoculars to zoom in on everything from loose shingles to broken gutters.

    If taken care of, roofs — depending on the type — can last anywhere from 50 to 100 years. If that's the goal, experts say it pays to consult a professional roofing contractor who's insured and uses quality materials like Timberline American harvest shingles from GAF , North America's largest roofing manufacturer. A free service that makes it easy to find a factory-certified contractor in your area can be found at