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    Rudest Customer Ever

    Man Stiffs Bartender & Calls Her Fat, Feels the Wrath of Social Media - 10/12/2011 Here's one for all of the service workers who have to deal with rude patrons. Over the weekend, Victoria Liss, a Seattle bartender, received an unexpected "tip" from a customer: He told her to lose weight. Liss, who is a popular bartender in the Capitol Hill section of Seattle, says she received Andrew Myers' "tip" after serving him and a lady friend last Friday night at Bimbo's Cantina. In an interview with the Stranger, Liss recalls: "On the first part of his $28.68 tab he wrote in '$26.68,' like he thought he was so cool he could leave me negative two dollars. Um, no buddy. The rest of the tab has an "0″ written in the tip line and the "P.S. You could stand to loose [sic] a few pounds" added just to boost my self esteem." So what led to Myers' rude behavior? Bad service? Drunkenness? According to Liss, Myers was just an asshole. Liss explains: "There are two things that led him to behave like that in my mind. He came in and I was, though I regret it now, very nice to him. Also, he ordered a taco and I recommended he get a double decker (he wasn't drunk and I knew a taco wrapped in a bean taco would keep him undrunk). His lady friend called it 'carb hell' so apparently it was a very offensive menu suggestion. He was dressed like 'Boy' from Little Monsters with Fred Savage. I remember thinking when she put her gold Kate Spade purse on the bar, 'I'm fucked.'" After getting the tip from Myers Liss posted a picture of the receipt on her Facebook page. Immediately, people began commenting on Myers' diss, and many quickly found his name, phone number, picture, and where he works. Needless to say, Myers didn't know who he was messing with. Since last Friday's incident, Liss has reached out to Andrew Myers to get his side of the story, but he has yet to respond. But here's a tip for him: If you don't have anything nice to say, keep your mouth shut. The internet is watching and it can be a whole lot meaner than his' little "tip."

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