18 Things You'll Understand If Your Friendship Group Is Flaky As Fuck

    You're definitely just as bad.

    1. The process of making plans is a test of mental agility.

    2. You have come to accept that your plans will fall through at least several times before they actually come to fruition.

    3. There is probably at least one friend whom you have been meaning to meet up with for several months, but still haven't.

    4. You see the friends who live in the same city as you less often than the ones who occasionally come to visit.

    5. There is nothing more annoying than being flaked on at the very last minute.

    6. And you probably have a backup plan in case your plans get cancelled.

    7. But you probably feel fine about flaking out yourself.

    8. In fact, you've come to accept this as a charming flaw you all have.

    9. And no one actually holds it against each other because you're all guilty of it.

    10. You know not to take flakiness personally.

    11. It feels like a huge achievement when you do actually meet up.

    12. But then you don't see each other again for several months or even years.

    13. But that's OK, because when you meet up again after an extended period of time, you'll have lots to talk about.

    14. The older you get, the less acceptable it is to flake out of things.

    15. And planning a holiday or big trip together is almost impossible.

    16. When you make plans, you say you'll meet earlier than you actually need to, just because you know one of you will be late.

    17. But you all have your limits.

    18. When you do actually manage to make plans and stick to them, against all odds, it's the best.