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    GIF-splanation: Why Are Anti-Choice GOP Politicians Suddenly Supporting Over-The-Counter Birth Control?

    Spoiler alert: it isn't because they suddenly support affordable birth control.

    You might have heard about anti-choice politicians coming out in support of over-the-counter birth control, and you might be wondering, “What’s that about? Do these guys support women’s rights?”


    The scheme you're hearing from anti-choice Republicans is their way to make women voters forget about their TERRIBLE positions on reproductive health.

    If they were telling the truth, they'd tell you they want to overturn the ACA and take away affordable birth control from everyone.

    That they want to let bosses deny you birth control coverage.

    They really hate it that women get their birth control from Planned Parenthood.

    And, oh yeah, that they're against emergency contraception and IUDs.

    Let’s be clear: over-the-counter birth control would be a GREAT idea if it’s totally covered by insurance, and bosses, politicians, or pharmacists don’t get in the way.

    But the GOP scheme would make women pay for birth control twice – once through their health insurance premiums and a second time at the pharmacy.

    This is what happens when anti-choice politicians get put in charge—they start making women’s health-care decisions for them.

    You can stop that from happening. Vote only for pro-choice candidates on November 4!

    Paid for by NARAL Pro-Choice America,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.