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    7 In 10 Americans Are Pro-Choice. Here’s Why You Need To Elect Pro-Choice Champions

    Did you know that 7 in 10 Americans support a woman’s right to choose? Even though there’s a pro-choice majority, anti-choice politicians and state legislatures across the country are rolling back reproductive rights right under our noses. We’re saying: Enough is enough!

    Unfortunately, even though the majority of Americans support pro-choice values many are represented by anti-choice politicians who push their own ideology and make it their top priority to restrict women’s rights everywhere.

    That’s why we need those 7 in 10 pro-choice Americans to vote their pro-choice values and give anti-choice politicians the boot. Here are 7 reasons why we need to elect pro-choice champions:

    1) Anti-choice officials are burning up tax-payer dollars to defend anti-choice restrictions and to fund anti-choice organizations that lie to and shame women out of choosing abortion.

    2) 7 in 10 Americans support a woman’s right to choose, but only 3 in 10 state senates and only 2 in 10 state houses are pro-choice.

    3) Depending on your zip code, your access to reproductive-health care may be bleak at best.

    4) Anti-choice governors resort to lying and cheating tactics to restrict women’s access to reproductive-health care because they know the public would never support their anti-choice agenda.

    5) When voters are educated on what’s at stake, they vote their pro-choice values at the ballot box.

    6) When women can’t access safe, legal, abortion, some resort to unsafe options that put their health and safety in danger.

    7) Women are people, corporations are not.

    As we reach out to the three in 10 Americans who don’t believe women should have the right to make decisions about their reproductive health and well-being, here are three things our pro-choice voters can do to help give them common sense.

    8) Take action!

    Sometimes it can be challenging to know how to make a difference, especially if you live in a more conservative area, but there are so many ways you can get involved. Take action on our webpage to hold your state legislatures and national representatives accountable and learn more about anti-choice laws in your state.

    9) Get the word out about how anti-choice restrictions endanger women’s lives.

    From now through Election Day, we're going to be educating voters about their candidates' record on choice to make sure that voters show up for candidates who show up for women and families.

    10) Share our graphic on Facebook. Tell the world just how awesome you are!