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    21 Times Matt Saracen Ruined You For All Real Life Men

    Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t love anyone more than Matt.

    1. When he needed a push to fully accept his place on the team.

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    2. When he had this heartbreaking but necessary breakdown.

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    Don’t you just want to hold him?

    3. When he always took care of his grandmother.

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    Also Grandma Saracen was hilarious.

    4. When he found a father figure in Coach Taylor.

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    5. When he was one half of the cutest high school to eternity relationship.

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    Matt Saracen was always the QB1 of Julie Taylor’s heart.

    6. When he and the rest of the team did cheerleader impressions.

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    Nice legs, Seven.

    7. When he was a terrible hunter.

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    Thank you Tim, for taking that gun away from him.

    8. When he confronted Coach about dating Julie.

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    Matt, you sweet awkward boy why aren't you real?

    9. When he was responsible about drinking.

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    10. When he tried to help Coach with his on-air appearance.

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    11. When his best friend was just about the strangest guy in all of Dillon, Texas.

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    You do you Landry.

    12. When he referred to Riggins as this:

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    Just about the greatest description of Tim that ever was spoken.

    13. When he had the right idea about his role in a fight.

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    14. When he couldn’t pull off the couture.

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    And when he sang to his grandma.

    15. When he got a very sweet gift for Julie.

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    16. When he was honest about what would happen if he quit the team.

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    17. When he coached the girls.

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    18. When he showed up drunk at practice.

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    19. When he and the other original three panthers had a night of drinking on the field.

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    Many greats would come along, but no one would ever be better than Saracen, Riggins, Smash, and Street.

    20. When he lost his father.

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    The most heartbreaking episode of the entire series.

    21. When he wore his cute little hat for work.

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    Matt Saracen will always be our QB #1

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    Basically if you’re not in love with Matt Saracen, I don’t know what you’re doing with your life.