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    22 Thoughts Everyone Has While Playing A Scary Video Game

    *Shuts off game after 5 minutes, cries in corner*

    1. "Why are the controls for this game so difficult?"

    2. "I hate these damn camera angles! How am I supposed to see if anything is - OH GOD HERE IT COMES."

    3. "I'm not turning around because I know there's something horrible behind me."

    4. "I don't want to open that door."

    5. "I thought playing with another person was supposed to make things easier?"

    6. "Screw it, I'm just going to turn this damn game off."

    7. "Why did I even buy this in the first place?"

    8. "Oh no, what was that noise?"

    9. "HELP!"

    10. "What in God's name are those things?"

    11. "Zombie looking attack dogs? C'mon!"

    12. "Why don't they die?!"

    13. "How am I supposed to accomplish anything in this game without any weapons?!"

    14. "Leave me alone!"

    15. "I won't be able to get through this game without looking up walkthroughs."

    16. "Wait, I have to do what? Nope."

    17. "Okay, it's too quiet now...something's bound to - ARGH GOD. Where did it come from?!"

    18. "Shit, I forgot to save..."

    19. "That's it - I'm dead. Again."

    20. "How many more levels until I'm done with this crap?"

    21. "I don't know why it was a good idea to play this with the lights off or before bed."

    22. "I hate my life."