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    An Open Letter To The Creator Of This Cartoon

    Waiters just can't catch a break.

    Dear Angry Customer,

    First off, let me congratulate you on using your artistic skills to create something other than doodles of male genitalia on your friends' backpacks. This must have been a huge accomplishment for you. But I'm not here to attack you, anonymous poster, I'd much rather address the comments it has produced. I mean here I am, mindlessly scrolling through Pinterest One pinner posts "HAHA!! Unless you have a good server :) SOME people watch their tables, lol". Allow me to spit fire in your face, Jessica.

    On a given night I serve anywhere from one to (at my very busiest) fifty-something-odd people at a time. Yes, it is a server's job to watch their tables and offer the best customer service $2.13 an hour can pay for. However, it is horribly unnatural for any given person to be able to offer the utmost BEST service for every single person. When I say I do my best, I mean it. But my best sometimes gets pushed to the side when I have four table's food to get out, a table who needs more napkins, and one that hasn't even got menus yet. I'm very sorry that I was unable to see your cup is empty from the kitchen where I'm most likely getting your food together, since most of you finish your drinks before you even get the food and "sorry, no refills!". Which brings me to my next point, at the restaurant I work at we are strictly told NOT to ask if we can get you another drink, BECAUSE we do not offer free refills. We are told to target only those who have ordered alcoholic drinks if they would like another because it is well known they will have to pay for another. So no, I don't generally watch if your soda is low because I'm technically not supposed to, EVER THINK ABOUT THAT.

    Now when it's slow and you are my only table, yes, chances are I will pay 100% more attention to you. But then I hear as I'm walking away "Oh my god, can't she leave us alone?"

    Can never catch a break.