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22 Words That Have A Different Meaning For Texas Longhorns Football Fans

Strong. Charlie Strong.

1. "Colt"

2. "Tower"

3. "Queso"

4. "Burnt"

5. "Royal"

6. "Young"

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What it usually means: Having lived for a short period of time.

What it means to UT fans: The last name of a Texas god.

7. "Tech"

8. "Mack"

9. "Strong"

10. "Godzilla"

11. "45"

12. "Chaps"

13. "Cannon"

14. "Average"

15. "Major"

16. "Shootout"

17. "E.T."

18. "Run"

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What it usually means: To move at a speed faster than a walk.

What it means to UT fans: To move at the speed of Ricky Williams.

19. "Fight"

20. "Early"

21. "Late"

22. "Time"