48 Problems All Kids Who Played Sports Growing Up Understand

    Caaaaarrrrr!! Game on!

    1. Trying to find even one pumped up ball in the garage

    2. Getting the needle of the pump stuck in the ball

    3. Getting a ball stuck on the roof

    4. Getting a ball stuck in the gutter, and it being just out of reach

    5. Not being able to find the ball you keep in the house

    6. Losing a ball in the sewer

    7. Not catching that one stupid ball that one time

    8. Having a baseball kick up off the street and nail you in the shins

    9. Scuffed up baseballs

    10. Cars

    11. Playing on different size rims with no nets

    12. Not having a garage door made of bricks to use as target practice

    13. Denting the garage door

    14. Finding enough people to come out and play so there are even teams

    15. Having a kid who can't do anything on your team

    16. Losing your glove even though you know you put it away properly

    17. Trying to ride your bike while holding/carrying your sports bag

    18. Having everyone use your bat

    19. Inexplicably dropping the vortex

    20. Throwing out your arm while tossing something stupid

    21. Fields without lights

    22. Somehow having dozens of tennis balls and yet no two balls are the same

    23. Playing with more range balls than golf balls

    24. Bouncing pitches in kickball

    25. Swinging as hard as you can... and missing the ball

    26. Swinging as hard as you can... and hitting the tee

    27. Foul balls

    28. When the ball lands in fair territory, even though you swear it was foul

    29. When your ball takes a weird bounce off the rim during Knockout

    30. Having your partner not throw you the ball fast enough during Running Bases

    31. Having someone grab your flag in flag football, even though you did a sweet spin move

    32. Chasing after a ball, only to have it roll into water

    33. Having to MacGyver a ball out of a pond

    34. Neighbors with fences

    35. Gym bag smell

    36. Long laces

    37. Short laces

    38. Socks that won't stay up

    39. Black eyes

    40. Twisted ankles

    41. Shitty refs

    42. The coach's kid

    43. Early mornings

    44. Late dinners

    45. Having a rain out

    46. Not having a rain out

    47. Losing

    48. And holding back tears