38 Dogs Who Don't Mind That It's Cold And Snowy

    The cold never bothered them anyway.

    1. "I'm a stegoSNOWrus."

    2. "I fell over and I don't want to get up."

    3. "Mom, can you see me? Mom! MOM!"

    4. "Bow down to the king of the snowball."


    6. "Seriously? Another picture? Please just close the door. You're ruining this for me."

    7. "Honethly, the thnow ith not that cold."

    8. "I call him 'snowdog' and he is my friend."

    9. "Be honest, do these snowballs make me look fat?"

    10. "And the WHOLE floor is like this?"


    12. "Do I have something on my face?"

    13. "And the really good snow is underneath!"

    14. "The ones up here are the freshest."

    15. "I have successfully hidden from the hoomans."

    16. "I put too much on again, didn't I?"

    17. "Did you say 'snow day'?"

    18. "I feel nothing and it is wonderful."

    19. "You don't have fur. Na-na-nah-nah-na-nah."

    20. "Does the park have snow too?!"

    21. "I pooped in it."

    22. "Do this. It feels SOOOO good on your back."

    23. "Hi there, neighbor. Do you have a second to talk about snow?"

    24. "I made footprints for you."

    25. "I like the way it tastes."

    26. "Mom said I need a sweater, but I don't want to wear it."

    27. "Are you coming?! Come on, come on, COME ON!"

    28. "No, Cheryl, I think those snow pants look nice on you."

    29. "It was already like this, I swear."

    30. "Wait. Did you say it's gonna snow ALL DAY LONG?!"

    31. "Eh, it's not too bad once your paws get used to it."

    32. "Do you hear that? It sounds like...snow."

    33. "If you close your eyes, it feels like you're on a majestic mountain."

    34. "Yeah, so I was telling the boys over there that I got a good diggin' spot. Real good snow over there. Real good."

    35. "I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready."

    36. "Are you having a good time?"

    37. "Paint me like one of your French bulldogs."

    38. "Suckers."

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