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    How It Feels To Leave New York

    I'm sorry MTA for my morning swearing. Take me back.

    You lived in NYC

    It feels like you're never coming back

    Your hometown feels so small you get anxiety

    You want people to know you lived in the best city of the world

    You'll release that being anonymous wasn't so bad


    I don't want to talk to you, or to you, nope not to you either. Can I go anywhere without bumping into people that I know??

    You'll beg for a train

    You even miss the yellow cabs and Ubers

    You'll get angry looking at menu's

    There comes a point were you want to buy something and the store is closed

    You want to order food but you release there is no seamless

    Then you start to think about a plan B

    And a plan C

    Most of all you feel like shit and you want to go back