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    Young And!

    19 years old, financially independent, and no health insurance. Will Obamacare benefit me?

    As of today, the Obamacare Healthcare Marketplace is open. Also, the government shut down. Go figure. Both of these are huge changes in our country, yet no one I know is talking about it. I was surprised at the amount of people on my twitter feed who had no idea of an impending government shutdown or the reason why it's happening. I realized that most 19 year olds aren't particularly concerned about the healthcare reform because they are covered under their parent's insurance policies. But what if you don't have insurance or parents?

    I am a 19 year old college student who doesn't have health insurance. While most people stay under their parent's insurance until they reach 26, I don't have parents. I never met my biological father and my mom passed away when I was 13. I didn't think buying health insurance would be that hard, but then I realized that I am sort of a social rarity. I support myself by working minimum wage around 35 hours a week while going to college. Let me tell ya, I'm broke. I'm technically in poverty and that's the weirdest feeling ever. However, I pay my own bills and support myself. Beyonce would be proud of this independent lady. But I'm not the normal 19 year old circumstance, so where am I supposed to fit in at the new marketplace? As I was applying for Obamacare at 2:30 in the morning (healthcare nerd) I noticed that there really aren't any healthcare options for young adults under 26 other than being under your parent's plans or having a catastrophic plan that can cost tons of money. Neither of these work with my life or budget, but I am a person who would add to the success of the Marketplace. It is essential for young, healthy adults to get health insurance to balance the sick who are also applying. Also, I want health insurance. I don't like that I can't go to the doctor when I'm sick. I don't like being scared of getting sick and not being able to pay for it. I hope that other independent young adults would feel the same way. Health insurance is essential, and even if Obamacare isn't what you have in mind, it'll do for now.

    I am a strong believer in universal health care, but I also support Obamacare. Expanding the private insurance sector isn't exactly my cup of tea. However, I see that positive side of this transition and why it's being done. Obama can get away with it. If Obama had implemented universal healthcare straight off the bat people would be pissed. Americans don't do well with change, especially with their government. Obama is creating a new transition period for America in our healthcare system and it's actually pretty damn cool. It may not help everyone, and it may not even cover me, but the Marketplace is opening up an entire new healthcare system that many Americans need. Obamacare is estimated to help insure 60 million citizens who were denied benefits or couldn't afford them. No matter your view on politics, I think we can agree that this is a substantial number. If Obama can help impact this many people's health plans, I am all in.

    However, I still can't help but get a little frustrated by my lack of insurance options. Hopefully as the system develops the policies with expand and include more people, like myself. As for now I'll see where my application takes me, which I'm still working on because the site sucks btw. So Obama, PLZ HELP ME GET HEALTH INSURANCE?!?!?!

