8 Slightly Gross Facts That Will Make You Very Aware Of Your Mouth

    An apple a day won't keep the dentist away.

    1. If you accidentally chip or crack a tooth, you’re exposing it to tooth decay quicker.

    2. Drinks high in acidity can make your teeth weak.

    3. If you grind your teeth in your sleep, they are more likely to decay.

    4. And if bacteria does find a way in, it's not just your teeth that are affected.

    5. Your teeth aren't meant to be pure white.

    6. And bleaching your teeth to get that pearly white gleam may make your teeth sensitive.

    7. Plaque on your teeth is always lurking, just waiting to destroy your teeth.

    8. When you're a child, your skull looks like this.

    Brush your teeth before you go to bed and dream of tooth horror, kids!