'30s Kids Were Awesome Problem Solvers

    These depression-era kids didn't let their problems keep them down.

    Problem: Mom won't let me play with real kids because of the polio scare.

    Problem: No family car to tie the tree to.

    Problem: Can't picture where my dad is stationed.

    Problem: Can't achieve that Shirley Temple glow.

    Problem: Forced downstairs by air raid.

    Problem: Dad went off to sea.

    Problem: Air raid drills are scary.

    Problem: No money for gas.

    Problem: Food is rationed.

    Problem: Lost my ticket for "The Wizard of Oz."

    Problem: Candy's hard to come by.

    Problem: Talk of war and poverty is stressful.

    And if all the solutions failed, they could find a friend to lean on.