23 Extremely Easy Ways You Can Save Money

    This will change your life. Really useful.

    1. Flush your toilet less often and save on your water bill by peeing in a jar.

    2. Save even more by having your guests do the same.

    3. Use your own hair to floss your teeth.

    4. DIY your own dental equipment with a straw and a vacuum...


    ... perform the surgery in your living room on your own relatives...

    ... and let 'er rip!

    5. Individually serve beans at your next party.

    6. Instead of joining a gym, fill some suitcases with books and lift them.

    7. Make your own custom tombstone out of kitty litter.

    Lady on extreme cheapskates: i'll use used cat litter to make my own custom tombstone

    8. Use the same bottle of mouthwash twice.

    9. Save your old dryer sheets. Incorporate them into your daily life.

    10. Cook a lasagna in your dishwasher.

    So I'm watchin Extreme Cheapskates and shorty decided she wanted to cook lasagna in the dishwasher to save money.

    11. Feed cat food to your guests.

    12. Stop using toilet paper.

    13. Need a lot of food for a party? Go dumpster diving. Your friends will appreciate it.

    14. Keep old cards. You can always re-use them.

    15. In need of bathing suit? Go to a hotel (with a pool) and check out their lost and found.

    16. Fill nice wine bottles with shitty wine. No one will be able to tell the difference.

    17. Instead of air conditioning this summer, just rub corn starch all over your body. It will keep you cool.

    18. In need of a quick buck? Be a test subject. Sign up to be a patient in a clinical study.

    19. Use sanitary wipes (pads) to polish your car.

    20. Shower with your clothes on.

    21. Never buy underwear.

    22. Steal things from your family members throughout the year. Then give them back as gifts during the holidays.

    23. And lastly, don't worry about a little diarrhea.

    Shit happens.