34 Hilarious Nicknames Chinese People Have Given Celebrities

    1/2 of these are shady. The other 1/2 are brilliant.

    In China, often times Western celebrities are given nicknames based on the pronunciation of their translated Chinese names. Other times it's based on their personality. Either way, the names are pretty hilarious.

    1. Nicki Minaj = 麻辣鸡 = Spicy Chicken

    2. Avril Lavigne = 酵母 = Yeast

    3. Justin Bieber = 丁日 = Dick

    4. Kim Kardashian = 金大妈 = Aunt Kim

    5. Jay Leno = 下巴 = The Chin

    6. Lady Gaga = 康敏苏 = Coming Soon*

    7. Ellie Goulding = 绵羊 = Sheep*

    8. Jennifer Lawrence = 大表姐 = Eldest Cousin*

    9. Eminem = 拇爷 = Grandfather Thumb

    10. Tom Hardy = 汤老湿 = Always Wet

    11. Matt Bomer = 孔雀 = Peacock*

    12. Ed Sheeran = 毛绒绒 = Furry & Cute

    13. Miley Cyrus = 舌婊 = Tongue Bitch

    14. Lana Del Rey = 打雷姐 = Thunder Sister

    15. Calvin Harris = 高富帅 = Tall, Rich, Hot

    16. Britney Spears = 小甜甜 = Little Sweetie OR 星巴克 = Queen Of Starbucks

    17. Justin Timberlake = 贾老板 = Boss Jia*

    18. Meryl Streep = 梅姨 = Auntie Mei

    19. The Weeknd = 盆栽哥 = Brother Potted Plant

    20. Bruno Mars = 火星哥 = Mars Brother

    21. Rihanna = 山东天后 = Queen Of ShaDong Province

    22. Taylor Swift = 霉霉 = Unlucky* or 公车霉 = Bus**

    23. Kesha = 钱婆 = Money Woman

    24. Mariah Carey = 牛姐 = Cow Sister*

    25. Ariana Grande = 小牛牛 = Little Cow*

    26. One Direction = 小破团 = Little Broken Team

    27. Demi Lovato = 呆米 = Rock Princess

    28. Selena Gomez = 傻脸 = Silly Face

    29. Kristen Stewart = l面瘫女 = Stone Faced Girl

    30. Carly Rae Jepsen = Squat Sister*

    31. Ryan Gosling = 高司令 = High General

    32. Gisele Bundchen = 吉娘娘 = Queen G

    33. Katy Perry = 水果姐 = Fruit Sister

    34. Benedict Cumberbatch = 卷福 = Curly Blessing

    Find out what your Chinese celebrity nickname would be here!

    BTW, all nicknames are taken from this Weibo thread.