Proof That Pugs Make Literally Everything 100 Times Better

    This is a science experiment.

    Hypothesis: The pug version of basically everything is better than any other version.

    Here is my research collected thus far:

    Paula Deen:

    Pug Paula Deen:

    Apple picking:

    An apple picking pug:

    A man in a moose costume:

    A pug in a moose costume:

    A man and a birthday cake:

    A pug and a birthday cake:

    Taking a bath in a bucket:

    A pug taking a bath in a bucket:

    Some bro with a backwards hat:

    A pug bro with a backwards hat:

    The Avengers:

    The pug Avengers:

    High fives:

    Pug high fives:

    A man sticking his tongue out:

    A pug sticking his tongue out:

    Gold grillz:

    Pug gold grillz:

    The Little Mermaid:

    The Little MerPug:

    A cleaning crew:

    A cleaning crew consisting of pugs:

    A woman who just got caught looking at porn:

    A pug who just got caught looking at porn:


    A pug in overalls:


    Pug wizardry:

    3 humans wrapped in a towel:

    A pug wrapped in a towel:

    A man with a bad toupee:

    A pug with a bad toupee:


    A pug skateboarding:

    A beach wedding:

    A pug beach wedding:

    A man in a food coma:

    A pug in a food coma:

    Construction work:

    A pug doing construction work:

    Humans at a renaissance faires:

    A pug at a Renaissance faire:

    Trader Joe's employees:

    Pug Trader Joe's employees:

    That's all the research I've compiled so far. Please add other examples in the comments. Thank you. It's for the benefit of mankind and science.