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Don't Be Sad, Look At These Corgi Puppies

Really, life is too short to not look at these corgis.

Life is like a treacherous maze with no way out and you’re hungry and have to go pee at the same time and you have like 10% battery life.

It can feel like you're this corgi puppy wearing an awkward bow tie that doesn't even match your coat of fur:

It can also feel like you are this corgi with a sibling who has a matching raincoat and you are forced to have a photo shoot in the rain:

That’s when you know you have to Idina Menzel it and “Let. It. Go.”

Take a seat, preferably on a park bench.

Jam a cupcake into your mouth.

Force that smile.


Also chill out. Really, it's bad for your blood pressure.

Imagine you're unwrapping a package of cookies and OH MAN! There's a tiny little corgi puppy inside.

Now look at this corgi with a tiny checkered handkerchief.

And now have this corgi sleeping with a stuffed version of itself BLOW YOUR MIND.

This is when you're starting to realize it's working. It is actually working.

You are the champ. The head honcho. The HBIC.

You owned that hill.

Sandboxes? They're for CHUMPS.

You are the leader of your own destiny and the king or queen of your garden of desire*

Pigs? WHO CARES. They don’t bother you.

You are a powerful fluffy corgi without a care in the world.

You sleep with a smile on.

You walk with a pip in your step.


Because you are the best version of you. And by best version of you, I mean you are a smiling corgi.*

Now go find your own personal corgi puppy pillow and LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE.

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