29 Animals Waving Goodbye For The Winter

    These guys are gonna take a little nap now. You'll see them when it's warm again!

    1. Buh-bye!

    2. So long!

    3. Ciao!

    4. Peace out!

    5. Hasta la vista!

    6. Tootles!

    7. Stay cool!

    8. Keep it real!

    9. Fare thee well!

    10. See ya later alligator!

    11. In a while crocodile!

    12. See ya!

    13. Adios!

    14. Au revoir!

    15. Live long and prosper!

    16. Cheerio!

    17. Later days!

    18. May the odds be ever in your favor!

    19. Auf wiedersehen!

    20. Godspeed!

    21. Be well!

    22. I'm leaving now!

    23. Bye!

    24. Arrivederci!

    25. Cheers!

    26. Aloha!

    27. You stay classy San Diego!

    28. (Yawn)!

    29. Y'all come back now!