12 Reasons David Ortiz Should Be Boston's Next Mayor

    He's named Big Papi for a reason.

    1. He has the perfect temperament for the position.

    2. You can count on him when you need him.

    3. Babies trust him.

    4. He can have civilized relations with New Yorkers.

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    This is important as a politician. You need to be able to have civil discussions with your enemies from time to time. Compromise is key.

    5. But always reminds them who's the boss.

    6. He's a fun guy.

    7. He's good at just about everything.

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    Just look at his badminton skills! A renaissance man like this would make sure that the budget allows for arts and music in schools, while also feeding the hungry, clothing the homeless and hitting dingers for your favorite baseball team.

    8. His community outreach programs are always a huge hit.

    9. He likes dogs.

    10. He'll fight for what's right.

    11. He's compassionate.

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    Here's a clip from ESPN's My Wish segment of SportsCenter where the Make a Wish foundation teams up with ESPN to help extremely sick and sometimes terminally ill children meet their favorite athlete. The Ortiz's larger-than-life persona makes this kid's dream come true and helps him get through a trying time.

    12. He absolutely loves Boston.

    In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing the Red Sox and David Ortiz did their best to help the city heal. His short speech to the Fenway faithful was short, profane and to the point — just like the city he proudly represents.

    Seriously, who wouldn't vote for this guy?