36 Things Every St Andrews Student Knows To Be True

    May Dip, anyone?

    1. St Andrews is, without a doubt, the most beautiful place in the world.

    2. It's a place where every student is best friends with their first year warden.

    3. Everyone dresses like this.

    4. And every minor event is celebrated with a beach bonfire.

    5. All the best St Andrews nights out involve port and cheese.

    6. Then move onto a Bop.

    7. And end at Dervish.

    8. The next morning, nothing will cure your hangover like a North Point pancake.

    9. Which you definitely needed after Raisin Weekend.

    10. St Andrews may only have one nightclub.

    11. But that's OK. No one knows as many '00s hit as DJ Ian.

    12. You understand the importance of never stepping on the PH.

    13. Or forgetting to wear your gown.

    14. Or resisting sex with your academic family.

    15. And if you do forget, there's only one thing for it.

    16. Every time you go home, your family ask if you've met your prince yet.

    17. You haven't.

    18. And every time they visit you, you play golf here.

    19. Which means you've got a picture of yourself on this bridge.

    20. You've also got a picture of yourself with a celebrity during Dunhill. It's probably Hugh Grant.

    21. You're never more than 10 minutes away from all your closest friends.

    22. Unless you live in DRA.

    23. Which is just as well because you never see your home friends anymore.

    24. You know that going to Tesco between 4-7pm means queueing for at least three hours.

    25. But if you go to Sainsburys, you'll inevitably bump into all of your professors.

    26. A combination of American and Scottish traditions make up your calendar.

    27. But Christmas and May Ball are the most magical times of the year.

    28. It's unreasonably difficult to find a seat in the library during revision week.

    29. And it's impossible to avoid being bombarded with leaflets in campaign week.

    30. You'll never understand why there's a fashion show every week.

    31. Or why you've been celebrating the 600th anniversary for the last decade.

    32. You've been on an awkward first date to the Pier.

    33. And celebrated the end of your exams here.

    34. You know that a pier jump marks the start of summer.

    35. And there's only one way to celebrate the end of your degree.

    36. But best of all, now you've got friends all over the world.